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Cactus Affinity bridge mix

Cactus Affinity bridge mix

free shipping on packs of 10” cuttings of T. bridge cactus plant tip cuttings ready for you to root and grow, examples of what has shipped recently shown here

these are unlabeled cuttings from various sources, but mostly consist of JS31 and Verne’s Cactus Kate

I have grown the JS31 plants for around 20 years and for the first 10 years they were my predominant bridge. Some were left unlabeled but I knew that big section was all JS31. Eventually I bought so many Cactus Kate cuttings from Verne that those became my predominant bridge. Many of those were also left unlabeled but no problem, they were in the Cactus Kate section. Over the years those two groups of JS31 and Cactus Kate plants have moved and merged and reverted back to simple cactus plants without a fancy name. 

some cuttings have standard bridge fungal spots and black blisters but are healthy and will readily grow 

Regular price $41.95 USD
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